White papers & Use cases

Discover all our white papers and use cases on different healthcare topics related to your activity, free download.

PodoSmart whitepapers use cases

Download Use case:

Use case, patient Hallux Valgus with PodoSmart Use case (FR):

Diagnosing and managing a patient suffering from Hallux Valgus with PodoSmart

Fabrice Millet, sport podiatrist 


Use case, patient Wiper Syndrome with PodoSmartUse case (FR):

Diagnosing and managing a patient suffering from Wiper Syndrome with PodoSmart

Fabrice Millet,  sport podiatrist


Use case, teenager Valgus with PodoSmart Use case  (FR):

Diagnosing and managing a teenager suffering from Valgus with PodoSmart

Fabrice Millet,  sport podiatrist


Download White paper:

Whitepaper, Understand the movement analysisWhite Paper (FR):

Understand the movement analysis



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